Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3
Empowering Women, Families, and Youth since 1999
Communicate, Collaborate, Innovate
As the Leaves Turn
2020 Election, Choosing Life with Author Leslie Sussan
Halloween, Nature's Way
Nature Halloween, Damned if She Does, Friendship
Halloween and Tituba, The Intentional Witch of Salem
Time Management, Birdnesting, Women, Work, and Covid
The Art of Perseverance
Fall Planting, If You Tame Me, Secondhand
Sheltering with Mother Nature
Public Speaking, Politics, Elections
Ready to Evacuate, Elections, Daring, Dazzling, Divine, Flu and Blood Pressure
Theatre and Multimedia with Producer, Terrence Patterson
Risky Business
Hannah’s War, Smoke Taint & Spaghetti Sauce, Flu & Safely Re-Beginning
Food, Cooking and a Celebrity Chef
Saving the Ocean, Supermodel Eugenia Kuzmina, Teens and Covid
Resilience, Flying High, and Bridging Borders
Dreaming the Marsh, Travel Insurance during Covid-19, Planting for Fall
Fall in a Pot!