If you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind stretching information, you’ve come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life enhancing results. It’s party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country.
Laughter could be the best medicine. Laughing makes you and everyone around you feel better. Instead of holding on to grudges, learn to laugh more.
The nation’s deadliest drug epidemic is hitting Americans of every age. Doctors have overprescribed painkillers for years not knowing the swiftness of addiction to opioids. Find out what opioids are and how the Department of Health and Human Services is responding to the crisis.
Need Help?
Substance Abuse Treatment Services 800-662-HELP.
DEA: 800-882-9539; dea.gov
Find a specialist: aaap.org
National Institute on Drug Abuse: drugabuse.gov
Report a Bad Doctor to Federation of State Medical Boards: fsmb.org
Rodents are inundating homes and gardens this year in search of water and food. Wherever rodents race, snakes that eat rodents follow. Take precautions when in your garden or hiking as poisonous snakes are lurking in the grass. Find out what you can do in case of an emergency as well as new ways to rid your rooms of rats.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/100430/lol-opiod-crisis-rats-and-rattles
#StartWithaSmile at smile.amazon.com/ch/94-3333882 . Amazon donates to Be The Star You Are, Inc..
Read our BTSYA July Newsletter: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/ac040f0875/288055965/ac7221bc2f/
Press Pass: https://vapresspass.com/2017/07/19/lol-opioid-crisis-rats-rattles-cynthia-brian/
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/search-cause?charityId=1504&s=3
Catch up with all broadcasts on ITunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are!/id669630180?mt=2
Buy books by Cynthia Brian at http://www.starstyleradio.com/store
For photos, descriptions, links, archives, and more, visit http://www.StarStyleRadio.com.
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