What keeps you motivated? During challenging times, do you have strategic things that you do to keep going when you want to quit? Cynthia Brian will offer a few tips on how to be up when you may be down.
Cynthia Brian interviews author Dallas Woodburn about new novel, The Best Week That Never Happened. It is a love story set in Hawaii, with a dash of mystery and magic, about living each day to the fullest. Kirkus Reviews raved, "This debut novel is captivating and moving. A dazzling, emotional story of love, loss, and living in the moment.” Dallas has developed a Book Club Kit that is available for free on her website, www.dallaswoodburnauthor.com for anyone who is interested in reading the book with a group! Dallas was also interviewed on Express Yourself! Teen Radio. Listen here: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/123086/the-brain-and-the-best-week-that-never-happened
Wine Wednesday: It's Earth Day, so we're celebrating with the Bubbly!! Champagne, Cava, Prosecco... all the same right? Wrong! How do the bubbles get there anyway? Jump into the effervescent world of sparkling wine with sommelier, Heather Brittany. We are going to find the right bubbles for all your troubles with sommelier, Heather Brittany with a world of bubbles. Our virtual party celebrates Mother Earth!
LIVE show from 4-5pm PT on Wednesdays: https://bit.ly/3cDti0Z
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/122967/motivating-moments-dallas-woodburn-wine-wednesday-bubbles-for-earth-day
Bio: Dallas Woodburn is an author, writing coach, and "book doula" who is passionate about spreading the joys of reading and writing. Her debut YA novel, The Best Week That Never Happened, is being published by Month 9 Books this month. She has also written extensively for newspapers and magazines, hosts the popular book-lovers podcast “Overflowing Bookshelves” and leads the organization Write On! Books. Dallas lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband Allyn and their one-year-old daughter Maya. www.dallaswoodburnauthor.com
Bio: Heather Brittany grew up in a family with roots in the vineyards. Working at Danza del Sol Winery in Temecula and being a sommelier, Heather continues the family tradition of vine to wine. She was a teen co-founder of Be the Star You Are!® 501 c3 charity to empower women, families, and youth through increased literacy and positive media messages. From 2002-2016, Heather produced and co-hosted the T42-A Mother/Daughter Brew segments on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!® Heather also authored chapters in both books Be the Star You Are!® for Teens and Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers. She lives in Southern California with her husband and barnyard of chickens where she enjoys gardening, nature, hiking, and entertaining. Working in the wine industry, she is a sommelier and encourages everyone to have a daily glass of vino for better health and happiness.
Be the Star You Are! 501 c3 charity offers help, hope, and healing for women, families and youth in need.
BTSYA Operation Disaster Relief. Please donate. http://ow.ly/ks8A30lekGe
Read how BTSYA is Making a Difference: https://www.ibpa-online.org/news/460747/IBPA-Member-Spotlight-Cynthia-Brian.htm
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Read our BTSYA newsletter:
Sunshine, Freedom, Flowers: http://hosted.verticalresponse.com/672296/318e3a3a8c/288055965/bbd34d3431/
Celebrating 20 years of Service: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1314/Local-literacy-nonprofit-celebrates-20-years-of-service.html
Press Pass: https://blog.voiceamerica.com/2019/09/07/be-the-star-you-are-501-c3-celebrates-20-years-serving-the-world/
BTSYA Honored by California Legislature: https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/archive/issue1320/Be-the-Star-You-Are-charity-honored-by-California-legislature.html
It's appropriate that Be the Star You Are! is being honored in the press for 20 years of global service. BTSYA was one of the first charities to offer relief to the survivors of the attacks. The THREE books in the Be the Star You Are! series were all published in September. Congrats to all who have served and supported this literacy and positive message cause. WooHoo! http://www.digitaljournal.com/pr/4441606
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Small DONATIONS Make a Big Difference to Others: Decrease Violence. Increase Literacy.
$25 provides 5 new books.
$50 provides 12 new books.
$100 provides 28 new books.
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or Visit www.BTSYA.org
JUST PUBLISHED: Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World and Growing with the Goddess Gardener. Available at www.CynthiaBrian.com/online-store or www.StarStyleStore.net
YouTube book announcement: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ru354Mhvu0&feature=youtu.be
Check our Book Reviews at our literacy partner, The Reading Tub: https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star-you-are/
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surviving solely on individual donations. Show Your LOVE! https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
When you are looking for upbeat, life-changing, and mind-stretching information, you have come to the right place. Host Cynthia Brian takes you on a journey of exploration that will encourage, inspire, and motivate you to make positive changes that offer life-enhancing results. It's party time on StarStyle®-Be the Star You Are!®. And YOU are invited! Join us LIVE 4-5pm Pt on Wednesdays or tune in to the archives at your leisure. Come play in StarStyle Country. Catch up with all broadcasts on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/starstyle-be-the-star-you-are!/id669630180?mt=2
Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
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Be the Star You Are!® charity. Every Season is for Giving http://www.paypal.me/BetheStarYouAre
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Starstyle, Be the Star You Are, and Miracle Moments are registered trademarks of Cynthia Brian
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