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Poetry and Gratitude

Writer's picture: Cynthia BrianCynthia Brian

From the Inside

Arjin Claire launches Innovation Nation showing how innovation has impacted poetry. He takes us back to 2100BC to what is widely considered the first poem ever written: The Epic of Gilgamesh. Following that we journey to ancient Greece in the 8th century BC to learn more about Homer’s Iliad and The Odyssey. He then interviews a rising young poet in 5th grade, Thanvi Voruganti, who penned a book of poems, FROM THE INSIDE: The Inner Soul of a Young Poet. The book is about thoughts, feelings, and emotions we all experience, struggle with, and that have been brought to the forefront by the current pandemic. There are eight categories, nature, loss and pain, bravery, memories, story in a poem, comedy, happiness, and dilemma. Thanvi reads two poems, Little Star and her favorite poem, Shattered Tears. She talks about her inspirations, struggles, and goals for the future. Diya Hituvalli spends the final third of the hour sharing her favorite poems, both classic and modern, reads the Gift of Gratitude from two of Cynthia Brian’s books in the Be the Star You Are!® series, and ends the show with the stunning poem read by Amanda Gorman, the nation's first-ever youth poet laureate, during the inauguration of President Joe Biden on January 20, 2021. Poetry is the clear expression of mixed feelings. Express gratitude and appreciation for everything.

Bio: Thanvi Voruganti

  • - My name is Thanvi Voruganti, I live in Chandler, Arizona with my parents. Besides writing and poetry, my hobbies include reading, playing tennis, and traveling. Reading and writing though, will always be my number one. I recently found my passion for poetry, it was during the summer of 2020 to be specific. The forced summer staycation because of the pandemic was the most monotonous, dreary two months of my life. I was bored out of my wits. One day, near the end of June, I decided out of pure boredom, to write a verse or two of soothing poetry. Once I dug a little deeper into it, I realized that I took great relish in and admired poetry. I started writing about fantasy/fairytales, science fiction, deep thoughts, and more. By the end of summer, I found a new hobby and interest that became close to me. Her first book of poems is FROM THE INSIDE: The Inner Soul of a Young Poet.

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