Express Yourself!® teen radio host, Andrea Smith relives happy memories of Christmas’s past with traditions from her Argentinian and Scottish families. Christmas is her favorite time of the year and she shares her excitement with the world. The Gift of Magic from Cynthia Brian’s book, Be the Star You Are! 999 Gifts of Living, Loving, Laughing, and Learning to Make a Difference, is read bringing the wonder and awe of this blessed season to life. Andrea is joined by reporter Jonathan Jackson in a lively conversation about the holiday, food, songs, family, customs, and gifts. As BTSYA’s kindness coordinator, Karen Kitchel says, “The gifts we tend to remember are those which are wrapped with love.” Wishing everyone a very happy, healthy, and memorable Christmas. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Giving you the gift of love!
Wishing you a very Merry and Healthy Christmas from our Star Team.
Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel: https://www.voiceamerica.com/episode/127594/home-for-the-holidays-with-express-yourself-teen-radio
JUST PUBLISHED: Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World and Growing with the Goddess Gardener. Available at www.StarStyleStore.net
Details on all books at HomeTown Reads: https://hometownreads.com/books/be-the-star-you-are-millennials-to-boomers
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Be The Star You Are! offers help, hope, and healing to victims of disasters. Read how BTSYA is Making a Difference: https://www.ibpa-online.org/news/460747/IBPA-Member-Spotlight-Cynthia-Brian.htm
BTSYA Operation Disaster Relief. Please donate. http://ow.ly/X0Ia30mF4zZ
Check our Book Reviews at our literacy partner, The Reading Tub: https://thereadingtub.org/books/be-the-star-you-are/
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Express Yourself! Teen Radio is produced by Cynthia Brian of Starstyle Productions, llc as an outreach program of Be the Star You Are! charity. To make a tax-deductible donation to keep this positive youth programming broadcasting weekly to international audiences, visit http://www.bethestaryouare.org. Dare to care!
For all the latest news on what teens are talking about on Express Yourself! Teen Radio embed this code into your blogs and websites <Iframe src="http://www.voiceamerica.com/jwplayer/HostPlayer.html?showid=2014" frameborder="0" scrolling="auto" width="420" height="380"></Iframe>
Listen to all broadcasts at ITUNES: https://itunes.apple.com/podcast/express-yourself!/id481894121?mt=2
Be the Star You Are!® charity. Every Season is for Giving. https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Links you can use for Be the Star You Are!®
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We invite you to volunteer, get involved, or make a donation. Make a DONATION through PAYPAL GIVING FUND and PAYPAL with 100% going to BTSYA with NO FEES: https://www.paypal.com/fundraiser/charity/1504
Starstyle, Be the Star You Are, and Miracle Moments are registered trademarks of Cynthia Brian
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• Keywords: #christmas,#holidays,#celebrations, #cynthiabrian,#starstyle,#Expressyourself, #be the star you are, #voice America network, #empowerment,