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Teen Challenges and Answers

Writer's picture: Cynthia BrianCynthia Brian

“We cannot always build the future for our youth, but we can build our youth for the future.” Franklin Roosevelt

Rachel Glass hosts a show focusing on teen challenges. She begins by reading then resonating with the chapter, The Gift of Youth by Victoria Whitebread from the book, Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World. Rachel also reads the chapter she wrote for the same book titled, The Gift of Self-Love and provides an update on how she has grown and changed since writing the chapter. Her chapter’s purpose is a call to action for people to individually look inward and be thankful. People across the country are facing real issues like hunger, poverty, and racism, and it’s not as simple as just staying positive and being thankful. We must help and love others.

Author of For Teenagers Living with a Parent Who Abuses Alcohol/Drugs, Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer, is interviewed. Edith was inspired to write her book after she was approached by teens after they read her newspaper column, The Young World. The book answers many questions including: What causes alcoholism? What can I as a teenager do to protect myself from abuse? Where can I get help? Should I stay at home? How can anyone expect me to concentrate in school? Why do I fight with my parents even when they are sober? Where can I go for help?

Edith wants everyone to remember: You are not alone. You can do so much with your life. You do NOT have to be a prisoner of your circumstances. Establish a healthy lifestyle. There is help.

Bio: Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer

Edith Lynn Hornik-Beer is an author/journalist/lecturer whose articles have been published both here and abroad including in The Sunday New York Times, Elle, Denver Post, Toronto Star, Neue Zuercher Zeitung (Switzerland), Berlin Tagesblatt (Germany). Her books have been published by Simon&Schuster, Follett, Hazelden Educational Material, Association Press and others. She has been invited to talk on local TV talk shows in Michigan, Colorado, New York, and on national TV shows such as Good Morning America, and such radio shows as Health Line, Harvard School Of Public Health. She has lectured at various colleges and institutes including Chautauqua Institute, Touro College, Long Island University, Colorado Mountain College. Her writings are collected by Simmons College Archive of Women Writers. She was a Selected Judge for Colorado Independent Publishers Association Book Awards 2012 and selected in 2017 as Winner-Matt-Kramer-Award-Excellence-Journalism. Edith lives in Colorado where she likes to hike, snowshoe, and teach at Colorado Mountain College. She travels frequently to New York, Boston and when possible abroad. To write her books she sequesters herself in such writer colonies as Dorland Mountain Arts Colony and The Atlantic Center for The Arts. She loves to connect with her readers via her web sites and by talking at libraries and on radio and TV shows.

Listen at Voice America Network, Empowerment Channel:


JUST PUBLISHED: Be the Star You Are! Millennials to Boomers Celebrating Gifts of Positive Voices in a Changing Digital World and Growing with the Goddess Gardener. Available at

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Express Yourself! Teen Radio is produced by Cynthia Brian of Starstyle Productions, llc as an outreach program of Be the Star You Are! charity. To make a tax-deductible donation to keep this positive youth programming broadcasting weekly to international audiences, visit Dare to care!

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Answers for Teens


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